Basic Hash 1

0.00720 ETH per day

Earning rate: 0.000300 ETH/Hour

Affiliate bonus: 15%

Basic Hash 2

0.07200 ETH per day

Earning rate: 0.003000 ETH/Hour

Affiliate bonus: 20%

65% Discount

Golden Hash 1

0.10700 ETH per day

Earning rate: 0.004500 ETH/Hour

0.7 ETH 2 ETH

Affiliate bonus: 25%

70% Discount

Golden Hash 2

0.26000 ETH per day

Earning rate: 0.010800 ETH/Hour

1.5 ETH 5 ETH

Affiliate bonus: 30%

71% Discount

Premium Hash 1

0.40200 ETH per day

Earning rate: 0.017000 ETH/Hour

2.5 ETH 8.5 ETH

Affiliate bonus: 35%

71% Discount

Premium Hash 2

0.58000 ETH per day

Earning rate: 0.024000 ETH/Hour

3.5 ETH 11.8 ETH

Affiliate bonus: 40%

69% Discount

Diamond Hash 1

0.86000 ETH per day

Earning rate: 0.036000 ETH/Hour

5 ETH 15.7 ETH

Affiliate bonus: 45%

74% Discount

Diamond Hash 2

1.08000 ETH per day

Earning rate: 0.045000 ETH/Hour

6.5 ETH 25 ETH

Affiliate bonus: 50%

78% Discount

Diamond Hash 3

1.45000 ETH per day

Earning rate: 0.060000 ETH/Hour

8 ETH 35 ETH

Affiliate bonus: 55%

Ethereum Miner

Ethereum Miner is a company made up of blockchain developers, entrepreneurs and tech developers. We are passionate about creating new technology and see cryptocurrency and blockchain as a great platform to do so. we continue to believe in the future of digital currencies and we love the opportunity to be part of such an exciting community.

Crypto Market
